
About the NGV filling stations

admin 2015-01-13 01:27:39
  NGV filling stations can be located anywhere that natural gas lines exist. CNG stations or LNG stations
are usually built on large scale but with CNG small home refueling stations are possible. 
A company called FuelMaker pioneered such a system called Phill Home
Refueling Appliance (known as "Phill"), which they developed in partnership with Honda for the
American GX model.Phill is now manufactured and sold by BRC FuelMaker, a division of Fuel
Systems Solutions, Inc.
  CNG may also be mixed with biogas, produced from landfills or wastewater, which doesn't
increase the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere.
  Despite its advantages, the use of natural gas vehicles faces several limitations, including
fuel storage and infrastructure available for delivery and distribution at fueling stations.CNG
must be stored in high pressure cylinders (3000psi to 3600psi operation pressure), and LNG
must be stored in cryogenic cylinders (-260F to -200F). These cylinders take up more space
than gasoline or diesel tanks that can be molded in intricate shapes to store more fuel and
use less on-vehicle space. CNG tanks are usually located in the vehicle's trunk or pickup bed,
reducing the space available for other cargo. This problem can be solved by installing the tanks
under the body of the vehicle, or on the roof (typical for busses), leaving cargo areas free. As
with other alternative fuels, other barriers for widespread use of NGVs are natural gas
distribution to and at fueling stations as well as the low number of CNG and LNG stations.
  CNG-powered vehicles are considered to be safer than gasoline-powered vehicles.

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